Ideal Corporate Gift Solutions for Employees
On this blog, we had earlier talked about corporate gifting solutions for professional contacts and your clientele at large. In this post, we are turning our and your attention to people who make your company and brand tick: your employees! They put in months of effort and dedicated work and it is only fitting that you appreciate their toil through a gift, however small it may be. When appreciated with a token of thanks and a note to cement your relationship further, employees will look at the value of what you give, not the price tag.
Thankfully, there are a lot of items on the online shelves of Tanushh that qualifies as excellent gift ideas for employees. There are some points you need to keep in mind while selecting their gift. The foremost of all is that there should be a sense of parity in what you give out. It is quite demeaning and demoralizing if you buy expensive gifts for the upper layers of the company and give away just about anything to people who form the bulwark of the company. When you select the gifts, make sure you pick up items that you can buy and gift across the board. That gives off the impression that every employee, irrespective of rank and hierarchy, is valuable to you.
Some of the more popular corporate gift solutions for employees are listed here, all from the house of Tanushh. You can pick any, or buy an assortment of them.
• A5 Customized PVC Notebook:
What better way to get into the heart, home and bag of your employees than this beautifully crafted item? Notebooks are useful in corporate meetings. Employees can carry them everywhere they want. And when all of them have similar looking notebooks in the office space, it looks beautiful as well.
• Penholder with Digital Clock:
Another winner from Tanushh, the premiere destination for buying corporate gifts online in Dubai, this item is useful and practical. What’s more, it sits right on the desk of the employee, motivating them through the brand logo printed on it, again with the help of Tanushh.
• Anti-Loss Power Bank Mobile Pouch:
This gift is ideal if you have made some handsome profits during the year and want to give back something to the people who have made those profit margins possible. Who doesn’t need a power bank mobile pouch, especially when it’s anti-theft?
There are several other items of such nature on tanushh.com. Make sure you see the smile on your employees when you give them these beautiful tokens of your professional bond.